Getting to Know People in Spanish: PDF Worksheet

Hello! This worksheet aims at helping you practice some of the most important phrases and questions for getting to know people in Spanish, that is, a list of the most useful greetings, farewells and ways to introduce yourself in Spanish through the exercises in a PDF worksheet. This didactic material covers different ways to talk about yourself in Spanish and practice saying things like your age, name, favorite color, hobbies and occupations among other things. Let’s start…


Students should work in pairs to solve the exercises in this worksheet.

Print the worksheet and hand each student a copy of it. For the first exercise, students must match each Spanish greeting or question with the most adequate reply. For the second exercise, they will need to complete a self introduction using their personal information, and then complete the second part with their partner’s information. Please encourage them to use the questions and phrases on exercise one to do so.

Spanish Worksheet Information:

Level: Beginners
Skill: Speaking and Vocabulary
Related Lessons:

Getting to Know People in Spanish: PDF Worksheet

Solve it online!

Follow the instructions in the interactive quiz below to complete the three exercises on the worksheet online.

Role Play Activity:

Students work in groups of three on a role play activity using the vocabulary for greetings, introductions and farewells in Spanish provided in the worksheet. One of them meets a friend that he/she hasn’t seen in a long time. This friend comes with another person, a girlfriend or boyfriend, who will be introduced to his old friend. The other student asks follow-up questions in order to get to know the new person a little bit better. The more expressions and questions in the conversation, the better. Finally, the teacher provides some feedback on pronunciation and vocabulary use.