Not-for-profit corporations

Administrative dissolution of not-for-profit corporations begins July 2023. File your annual returns. Not sure if all not-for-profit corporations are the same? Read on to find everything you need to create and operate a not-for-profit corporation, or incorporate now.

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Incorporate your not-for-profit

Benefits of incorporating

Find out the advantages of being federally incorporated.

Create a not-for-profit

Create a not-for-profit under the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act by filing an application with Corporations Canada.

Name a corporation

There are important things to keep in mind when naming your federal not-for-profit corporation. Consult this guide to learn more.

Steps after submitting your application

Learn about our application process and what you can do after your filling.

Next steps following incorporation

Find out how to establish the internal organization of your corporation.

Register a federal corporation in a province or territory

Federally incorporated not-for-profit corporations must also be registered in a province or territory.

Create not-for-profit by-laws

By-laws set out the rules for governing and operating your corporation.

Revive a not-for-profit

Learn how to prepare a request to revive a not-for-profit corporation under the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act.

Maintain your not-for-profit

Keep your corporation in good shape

Update these 5 simple things to keep your incorporation status.

Annual return

Every not-for-profit must file an annual return with Corporations Canada every year.

The members

Know the rights and responsibilities of your corporation's members.

The directors

Know the roles and responsibilities of your corporation's directors.

Corporate records and filing obligations

Find out about your corporate records and filing obligations.

By-laws and financial statements

All not-for-profits need to file by-laws within 12 months of being confirmed by members.

Financial statements and review

Not-for-profits must prepare financial statements each year that comply with the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act.

Make changes to your not-for-profit

Change the structure or nature of the corporation

All you need to know to make changes to a not-for-profit corporation.

Amend the articles of a corporation

Amend the articles of a corporation under the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act by filing an application.

Correct articles or certificates

Find out how to apply to correct articles or a certificate issued under the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act.

Change by-laws

Amend your corporation’s by-laws requiring ordinary or special resolutions of the members.

Amalgamate corporations

Request to merge two or more not-for-profit corporations and carry on as one.

Continuance (exportation) to a cooperative

Find out more on how to continue (export) a not-for-profit corporation to the Canada Cooperatives Act.

Continuance (exportation) – Pre-approved legislation

Pre-approved legislation that Corporations Canada recognizes for the continuance from the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act.

Close your not-for-profit

Follow these steps to prepare a request to dissolve a not-for-profit corporation.

Related information

Links to guides, forms, policies, models and legislation.

Find government programs and services relevant to your business.